‘I-Technology is affecting all of us. In many cases, it has made our jobs easier. Think ofthe cashiers where they do not have to
count change. Think ofthe toll collectors who do not have to collect tolls for 8 hours a day, inhaling fumes from cars. How
about auto-pilots for airplanes, or self-driving ca rs.
Think technology and what are the pros and cons. Cite specific examples in your life where technology in one form or another
has personally affected you.
2- The smartphone you have in your pocket is a lot more powerful that the one I used as a scientific programmer in the late
1980’s. The computers we used required a huge space and special air-conditioning to prevent the electronics from
overheating. This chapter discusses advances in technology that make our current computers powerful.
Based on your assessment ofthe future, what do you envision our computers would be like 5.10 years and beyond? What kind
or power (or feature) you like to see and embrace?
3-Data is everywhere. When you are looking for a product in Amazon, additional similar products are shown on your Facebook
account. We eagerly give our email addresses on the promise that you will get a free meal or a special discount Loyalty cards
and other similar advertising tools collect so much data and before you know it, your email inbox is inundated with junk mail.
What is your experience with data collection by companies? Do you think loyalty card are good or bad for everyone. Do you
readily give your email or phone number to a store when they ask for it?