Management Portfolio :
MANAGEMENT and LABOR ISSUES: (1) RIGHT TO WORK, (2) UNIONIZATION, and (3) MINIMUM WAGES; You are asked as a upper level manger to make a presentation to the Board of Directors about recent labor issues. You will include in your presentations at least three years trend for both sides.
You will compare New York State to our local standards on all three topics by stating the management side and the labor side; then, state your recommendations to the Board of Director on each of the three topics.
Management Portfolio Evaluation :
?A? The student soundly articulates their comprehension of MANAGEMENT
(from all chapters) AND provides examples of YOUR principles of management.
?B? The student understands MANAGEMENT (from all chapters) AND provides examples of YOUR principles of management.
?C? The student understands some of MANAGEMENT (from all chapters) AND provides some examples of YOUR principles of management.
?D?` The student understands portions of the book.
Several of you have asked for guidance on the Management Portfolio. I prefer not to provide ??guidance? ?because ?the ?students ?then ?try ?to ?conform ?their ?portfolio ?to ?my ? ?guidance?. ?My ?intent ?is ?for ?you ?to ??step ?out ?of ?the ?box? ?using ?your ?own thoughts to make your portfolio.
You must cover ALL three issues. Your presentation can be an outline, power points pictures, or other methods. In your presentation you must show a comparison of the New York State vs. local on ALL three issues. Plus, your statistical information MUST show the three year treads with projections. From your presentation you will make recommendations to the board of directors.
For your review as a starting point, I have provided the following:
You can use the text Book: (“Management 12 edition by Robert Kreitner and Charlene Cassidy ISBN-13: 978-1111221362 “), articles, other books, and even Google! I do request that
you “site your references” at the end of your presentation, so I may verify your
For your review as a starting point, I have provided the following:
“Right-to-work” laws are statutes in a number of states in the United States that prohibit union security agreements, or agreements between labor unions and employers, that govern the extent to which an established union can require
employees’ membership, payment of union dues, or fees as a condition of employment, …
What is unionization? definition and meaning:
The process of organizing the employees of a company into a labor union which will act as an intermediary between the employees and company management. In most cases it requires a majority vote of the employees to authorize a union. If
a union is established the company is said to be unionized.
Current and Projected Minimum Wage by State (in U.S. Dollars)
State 2015 2016
New Jersey* $8.38 $8.59
New Mexico $7.50 $7.50
New York $8.75 $9.00
North Carolina $7.25 $7.25
What’s the Minimum Wage in Your State?