Assigment 2 Methodology and Curricula
• review relevant ESL teaching and learning theories
• develop skills in soundly designing language teaching curriculum
• reflect on effective ESL teaching and learning, and curriculum development
• Combine ESL theories with practice
Assessment Description
In this assignment, you will design a curriculum. This will involve the following tasks:
1)- Undertake a needs analysis, including a situational analysis, using tools discussed in class. (This needs analysis does not have to be undertaken in a real
environment but you should go through the steps required to gather data from a needs analysis and make decisions about the type of curriculum you will create). Provide
information about target classroom context including the students, educational and learning background and goals, educational policy and procedure etc.
2)- Use the findings of the needs analysis to :
• specify the aims/goals and objectives (or learning outcomes) of the curriculum, including language and non-language related objectives/outcomes
• state the course rationale
• describe the entry and exit level (if applicable)
• determine the scope and sequence of the program. Decide on the organising principles (i.e. structure for delivery – instructional blocks (modules / units of work
etc)) and course duration etc.
• choose a syllabus framework and select the course content including all skills and strategies, activity and task types, and non-language content
• decide on an appropriate approach or methodology, based on teaching and learning principles
• select or suggest some key materials and resources for the course
• decide on appropriate types of assessment and assessment criteria
• outline an evaluation strategy for the program, which ranges across all aspects of the curriculum
3)- Choose a specific unit of work and provide the following information about the unit:
• Focus for this unit
• Structure for delivery (e.g. 10 2-hour lessons, 5 4-hour lessons, etc)
• Content, including sequence of main activities
• The underlying principles involved in the selection of the teaching methodologies
• Key resources you would use
• Learning assessment strategies
4)- You should plan in detail a 2-hour lesson, which would be a part of the unit of work outlined above. For the planned lesson, you will need to provide:
• Aims and objectives of the lesson
• Skills and/or strategies being taught
• Approach adopted e.g. text-based, task-based, theme-based, CLT, etc.
• A plan of the sequence of the lesson
• Outline of planned activities, their purpose, their place in the sequence and the resources used for them, including the time allocated for activities
• All resources you will require and how you will use them
• Your strategy to assess learning and teaching
5)- Assignment two is an academic essay assignment of 3,000 words with a range of 5% more or less (e.g. 2,850-3,150 words).