Required Text:
Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives, Fourth Edition(2013). Authors Steven A. Finkler, Cheryl B. Jones and Christine T. Kovner
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 11: Strategic Management
Chapter 10: Recruiting and Retention
Chapter 22: Nurse Entrepreneur
Chapter 23: Current Issues & Future Directions
All students complete an INRAP on 1 learning point on discussion board
All students – respond to two other student’s INRAP post(Omit for now, will be part two once student post are received)
NRAP (Integration, Reflection and Application) Assignment. This assignment is a way for you to demonstrate what you understand and take away from the content in each learning module. As you go through the module content you begin to integrate it into your thinking as you reflect on how it does or may apply to you as a nurse and going forward as an administrator. Each INRAP is a narrative.
There are four key areas that need to be covered in each INRAP:
Important learning,
Putting learning to practice,
Discussion of 2 other student’s post(omit for now, will be submitted as part two of this order once post are received), and
Aesthetics & mechanics.
The INRAP posting is due Wednesday by 10:00 pm. (word limit is 1000).
Each student must respond to two student’s INRAP discussion post (word limit is 200). This response is due by 11:50 pm Saturday of that week’s module. (Omit for now will be submitted as second part of this order once post received from other student)