Order Description
Explore the history and development of multi-agency working, considering the positives and negatives of working in this way, from the perspectives of children, families and professionals. Consider how a family (chosen from the case studies provided) can be supported by professionals working in a multi-agency way.
Case Study 1
Farid is 8 years old. He is seeking asylum in the UK, and was sent here by his parents to live with his aunt, who cannot be found. He is underweight, and has a persistent cough, fever and a rash, but no medical history or vaccination records. He has never been to school or experienced formal education of any kind. At home (in Syria) he had a manual job, and helped his family to earn money. He has been placed with a temporary foster family in the suburbs of London and is due to start at a local primary school at the beginning of the next term. Farid speaks Arabic and very little English, and is shy about speaking to new people, whilst Farid’s foster family are British, and only speak English. Farid’s foster mother has had trouble getting him to eat and drink, and reports that he is lethargic during the day, and coughs throughout the night.
Your written essay must include:
An introduction to the essay highlighting the objectives of the assignment.
Information about the development of the Multi-Professional Approach (including a discussion on the definition of multi-agency working)
An overview of the processes used in the Multi-Professional Approach
A discussion of the key benefits to children, families and professionals
A discussion of the key challenges of the Multi-Professional Approach, from the perspective of children, families and professionals.
An exploration of how a child and their family (chosen from the case studies provided) could be supported by professionals working in a multi-agency way, including the processes this would entail and identification of the people responsible for them.