Assessment #1 – Assignment
This Assignment 1 is 2,000 words only and is worth 45% of your final grade. You are required to analyse your four (4) relevant primary research articles and discuss how the results help you answer your research question (RQ).
Objectives being assessed:
CO 1 – Illustrate how the research plan will be implemented.
CO 2 – Implement the research plan
CO 3 – Analyze the results of the project implementation
Your assignment must adhere to the following format:
Download Assignment 1 template located in the Assessments folder to use.
Do not re-format the template, do not delete sections.
Adhere to all overall writing guidelines outlined in the marking rubric at the end of the assignment template.
Specifically: use 1.5 spacing, font size 12, writing in 3rd person.
Correct use of UniSA Harvard author-date system for in-text referencing and Reference list.
Word count includes references in the Assignment but NOT the Reference List
You must present your Assignment 1 using the following headings in the Assignment 1 Template.
Background (300 words):
State your research question and provide background and rationale about why you developed the research question. Explain how your research question is important and relevant (useful) for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge at a local and/or international level.
Summarise your four (4) Primary Research Articles (1000 words):
Write a summary paragraph of each research article using the five step format learned in Week 2:
Paper 1 (250 words):
Paper 2 (250 words):
Paper 3 (250 words):
Paper 4 (250 words):
Discussion (550 words)
Compare and contrast the findings of each research paper. Ensure that your analysis explains why your research papers are relevant and how the quality of the findings enables the stated research question to be answered. Identify any existing gaps in knowledge or practice. Discussion should be supported by additional relevant additional literature.
Conclusion (150 words)
Summarise the major points in a synthesised non-repetitive manner, compare and contrast, discuss future directions for research.
Reference List
Present on a new page and use correct UniSA Harvard Referencing
Instruction: Based on attached files and read all the content especially( week 2 and 3 ) which show how to do the assignment, attached files also included 4 of the research paper which i have been provided for you. answer the questions shown on the template file. Plz read all of the attached file. Week 2 and 3 on the attached word file, all the picture shown how to do Summarise Your Four Primary Research Articles and discussion part.Please read all the attached fike especially (week 2,3 and paper 1-4) before start doing the essay. Finally, ****rmb you must do the work based on the attached template call Assessment_1_Template and Rubric, and the Research question call (HOW EFFECTIVE ARE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY INTERVENTIONS IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH OBESITY?) . If unclear of the instruction, text me on the msg box asap. Follow the attached unisa harvard referencing guide is a must of doing this assignment. Also, follow the attached Feedback form that is how they give the mark. Make the language easier as much as possibleless