Online Entertainment Management In-Module Assessment – Semester 2 – 2016/17
This coursework is worth 50% of the total module marks available for this module. This is an individual piece of work; therefore, you should not share ideas with others, while completing this work.
Your task is to submit a mobile APP development portfolio, which should include the following three elements:
1.A 1,000 word (maximum) description of your APP and its functions, analysis of its place in the marketplace and any ethical and/or legal issues you needed to consider with your APP design and the data stored for the APP;
2.A business model canvas for your APP;
3.A storyboard showing how a user would use your APP, this must show how the
functions work for the user as well as the user interface design (you could also use APP template used in the seminars and workshops).
You have already completed/started work during the workshop activities. The lectures and seminars will also cover many aspects that you need to be able to relate to your work.
Please note you will need to provide your sources for the analysis and any images used within this piece of work.
Please note you can only UPLOAD to TurnItIn, a single Word or PDF files and therefore you need to plan how you are going to submit your work from the beginning.
4EBUS001W – Semester 2 – 2016/17
??Report (worth 40% of the marks available)
o DescriptionoftheApp(10%)
o Selectionofsuitablefunctions(10%)
o AnalysisofthemarketplacefortheApp(10%)
o ConsiderationoflegalandethicalissuesfortheAPP(10%)
??Business model Canvas (worth 20% of the marks available)
o RelationshipbetweentheBusinessmodulecanvasandtheotherelements
within the assessment (10%)
o DepthofanalysisintheBusinessModelCanvas(10%)
??Storyboard (worth 40% of the marks available)
o Depthdetailofdesign(10%)
o CleardesignoffunctionswithintheAPP(10%)
o TheAPPdesignanditsfunctionsuseareclearlyshownwithinthestoryboard
o ThemethodsusedwithinthestoryboardtodemonstratetheAPPdesignand
functions (10%)
??All elements need to be submitted; missing one element will mean a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment.
4EBUS001W – Semester 2 – 2016/17
Westminster Business School Marking Guide
4EBUS001W – Semester 2 – 2016/17
Level 4
No evidence to suggest that any learning has taken place beyond the most basic principles. 1-9
Makes no serious attempt to answer the question, and has little or no coherence. What little evidence exists to show that learning has taken place is interspersed with nonsense. 10-19
Makes a limited attempt to answer the question but demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of the issues concerned. Misunderstandings and errors of fact are likely to outweigh correct or meaningful statements. There is unlikely to be any referencing. The poor quality of the writing may make it difficult to read. 20-29
Attempts to answer the question but is only partly successful in doing so, with much irrelevant material included and much relevant material left out. Referencing is likely to be limited. It should show at least an emerging understanding of the issues, but is likely to Include some fundamental misunderstandings and/or errors of fact. It may well lack structure and be poorly written. 30-39
Makes a clear attempt to answer the question, but is likely to include material of doubtful relevance. It may well be based largely on a single text- book, or on lecture notes, but shows at least a basic understanding of the issues. There may be some significant misunderstandings or errors of fact. Structure may be confused and language clumsy. 40-49
Is clearly focused on the question and demonstrates a general understanding of the major issues without significant misunderstandings or errors of fact. It may well demonstrate a degree of naivety and is likely to be largely descriptive in nature. It should be properly referenced, but may be based on a limited number of sources, principally text-books. It should have a coherent structure, but may have some clumsy expression. 50-59
Demonstrates a detailed understanding of the major issues and at least a general awareness of problems and conflicting viewpoints. Reading is likely to go beyond basic textbooks, and should show at least an emerging ability to compare and contrast the arguments in different sources. It should be well-structured and well-written. 60-69
Demonstrates a full understanding of the major issues and a full awareness of problems and conflicting viewpoints. It should include references to secondary as well as tertiary sources (journal articles, monographs etc.) and should demonstrate at least an emerging ability to evaluate and criticize sources. The quality of argument should demonstrate a degree of sophistication and elegance. 70-79
Demonstrates a clear ability to evaluate and criticize sources and at least an emerging ability to apply original insight and thought to the issues under discussion. There should be at least a limited understanding of theoretical issues. If the analysis of primary data is included this should be conducted with at least a basic degree of competence. 80-89
Demonstrates a clear ability to apply original insight and critical thought to the issues under discussion, and a clear understanding of the problems and limitations of the approaches developed. It should demonstrate a degree of sophistication in the way in which theory and practice are integrated. If the analysis of primary data is included this should be conducted with complete competence and with a degree of sophistication. 90-99
Theoretically informed, with a high degree of originality and an effective integration of secondary and primary data. It should be capable of adaptation with a limited amount of effort either for publication (though not necessarily in a peer-reviewed journal) or for effective professional use (e.g. a marketing strategy that could actually be presented to the Board). 100
Suitable for publication or effective professional use, as above, in its submitted form, without significant adaptation. (100)
Suitable for publication as a significant article in a peer-reviewed journal, or as a highly innovative professional document. (100)
The deadline for this coursework is Thursday 16 March 2017 at 13.00 hrs (1 pm) UK time
You need to submit ONLY an electronic copy via Turnitin by the deadline. Therefore please ensure that you prepare your work for this form of submission (You can upload, Word/PDF files to Turnitin and it needs to be a single file). Bear also in mind that you need to scan in any diagrams and designs if hand drawn and incorporate them into your document. You are encouraged to submit your work as soon as possible.
The electronic submission for this module is through TURNITIN, which has been embedded within the module’s Blackboard site.
Please note TURNITIN checks your work for potential academic offences, so ensure you are very careful when referencing and quoting material. Please ensure when directly quoting that you use “quotation marks” and cite accordingly.
You can only upload a single copy of your work to TURNITIN, so please do not submit drafts and ask for them to be removed at a later stage, although the possibility to override submissions could be explored.
Please DO NOT email your work to the module team rather than submitting your work to TURNITIN. If you experience problems uploading your work to TURNITIN you need to email the module leader as soon as possible (before the deadline) and await instructions.
Feedback upon this assignment will be provided approximately three working weeks following the submission date.
An email will be also sent via Blackboard announcing when you can collect the assignment and feedback in person.
Please do not email the lecturing staff directly asking for marks only.
4EBUS001W – Semester 2 – 2016/17
When writing an essay, report or other assignment you will need to support your arguments by referring to published work such as books, journal or newspaper articles, government reports, dissertations and theses, and material from the Internet. It is expected that you use the Harvard referencing style within this work; this includes sources for images, graphs and tables.
You will need to give accurate references:
• To give credit to other authors’ concepts and ideas
• To provide the reader (often the marker/examiner of the assignment) with evidence
of the breadth and depth of your reading
• To enable the readers of your work to locate the references easily
• To avoid being accused of plagiarism, an academic offence, which can lead to loss
of marks, module failure or in severe cases exclusion from the University.
Academic offences, including plagiarism, are treated very seriously in the Westminster Business School. A student who is proven to have committed an academic offence may be placing his or her degree in jeopardy. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure that you understand what constitutes an academic offence, and in particular, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it (See the University of Westminster Quality & Standards statement in your Module Handbook).