Poetry Portfolio (15%): 4 original works of poetry & 3 responses to poems inspired by the content of our
• 2 poems must be fixed-form poems (haiku, sonnet, villanelle, etc.); 2 poems are open form (narrative,
lyric, calligramme, image/sense, etc.).
• Students may recycle original poems submitted to the DB or as Individual Poems for grade
• Responses must be thoughtful considerations of poems, poets, or forms from the content of our
course. At least one response should include research using peer-reviewed secondary sources (see
Blooms Literary Resource Online at Berkeley College Library online). Responses should be 100-150
words each.
• One complete bibliography for all primary and secondary sources required.
• Portfolios should be creative, both in the poetry and in the presentation. Mixed media, 3-dimensional presentations, video, or film elements can be included