To perform in the role of nurse educator by creating an educational program for nurses on the use of CPAP and BiPAP to support patients with acute respiratory distress and chronic respiratory illness.
Complete this column for Week One – NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A Complete Before Midpoint Review Complete Before You Start NUR/590B
Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review
(at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome-
To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
1. Analyze the educational needs of the nursing staff on a general telemetry nursing unit regarding respiratory problems. 1a) Analyze minimum of 15 published articles that have been peer reviewed addressing chronic and acute respiratory issues related to the need of CPAP and BiPAP
1b) Develop a learning needs assessment tool with nurses and mentor using information gathered through literature review.
1c) Review learning needs assessment tool with mentor
1d) Administer the learning needs assessment tool to nurses on a Telemetry unit |
1a) Provide a annotated bibliography of published articles reviewed
1b) Submit a written development of needs in assessment tool.
1c) Document the discussion with mentor in the development of needs assessment tool in practicum journal
1d) Submit results of the learning needs assessment.
1d. completed 1a)The research article conducted provided
information needed in developing the educational teaching for CPAP and BIPAP.
1b) Developing a needs assessment was a challenge in determining the appropriate questions to ask. The information obtain from researched articles provided the foundation in developing the questions.
1c)Discussion on the different types of learning assessment tools and further questions toward congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and sleep apnea.
1d) The results obtain from both the pre-test questions showed limited knowledge in placing or taking care of patients on CPAP or BIPAP.
Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review
(at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome-
To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
2.0 Create the educational program in relation to the specific learning needs regarding the use of CPAP or BIPAP from the learning needs assessment 2a) Review current hospital policy and procedure of the CPAP and BIPAP use on a telemetry unit.
2b) Analyze needs assessment in developing a program outlined with mentor and make changes as suggested.
2c) Develop the educational program that includes: objectives, program outlined, handouts, and power point presentation with speaker notes.
2d) Develop several case scenarios based on learning needs assessment and evidence base practices
2e) Review the several case scenarios with respiratory faculty and mentor
2a) ) Document review of hospital policy and procedures
2b Document review of program outline with mentor in practicum journal.
2c) Submit objectives, program outline and power point presentation with speaker notes.
2e) Document discussion with respiratory faculty and mentor in practicum journal
2a) Review of hospital policy with CPAP and BIPAP are unit specific for emergency room and ICU setting. Information obtained from both these areas and house wide policies were used in the program.
2b) Program outline development was based on the learning needs assessment.
2c) Program outline discussed with mentor in meeting objectives through power point presentation. Speaker notes were added as part of the handout with the program outline
2d) The development of the program outline provides a strong overview of the learning objectives based on the results from the learning needs assessment.