PS 1 – ECON 4350; Economics;
1. Using the data I’ve provided (ps1.xlsx):
(a) Plot mean income by age for each education level on the same graph (use connected scatter
plots or line plots for all graphs).
(b) Now plot median income by age for each education level.
(c) At what age is the difference in mean earnings between those with a HS diploma and those
with a BA or more the largest? What is the difference (value) at that age? Show (plot)
these differences by age as well.
(d) Now plot the difference (BA or more – HS graduates) in both mean and median earnings
at each age (for ages 19-65) on the same graph. Is the benefit of college higher when we
compare means or medians? Why?
(e) If we sum up the difference in mean earnings between College graduates and HS graduates
over ages 19-65, how much more will college graduates earn in total?
(f) What is the present value of this difference in stream of payments at a discount rate of
4%? [Note: You should solve this in excel, not by hand. You only have to put the value
for the answer.]
(g) T/F/U: Taking into account that this data is a cross-section (i.e. a snapshot of Americans
taken today) as opposed to a panel (which follows people over time), do you think question
(f) above a good way to project how much more a college graduate who is 19 today will
earn over her lifetime than a HS graduate who is 19 today? Say why or why not.
Q1 Notes: Include all figures in your answer-set. Make sure all graphs have titles (question
number and a description of what I see this is good practice). Make sure all axes are labeled
and readable as is the legend. You can use whatever stat program you want to do this (Excel,
R, Stata, SAS, SPSS, Matlab,). T/F/U is true, false or uncertain. You have to provide a
justification for your answer.
2. Let’s say Sam just finished high school and is deciding whether to enroll in a two year nursing
program at the local community college. The cost of the program is $10,000 per year for tuition
and supplies. Because the program is so intensive, Sam cannot work if he enrolls in the program
until after he graduates.
Sam believes if he doesn’t enroll in the program, he’ll earn $60,000 per year. He believes that
if he completes the program, he’ll earn $110,000 per year once he starts working. Because of
visa issues, Sam is only allowed to stay in the country for 5 years (he will not work when he
returns to his home country). Show your work.
(a) Set up what Sam’s net present value calculation should include.
(b) At an interest rate of 3% (r=0.03), would you suggest that Sam enrolls in the program?
(c) At an interest rate of 2%, would you suggest that Sam enrolls in the program?
(d) What if Sam’s visa allowed him to stay for an extra year at the original 3% interest rate?
You are responsible for handing in your own problem set at the beginning of class. Your grade will
be deducted for every day it’s late. If not in class, you must drop it in my mailbox at the Andrew
Young School (5th floor).
Please type up your answers. An exception to this is the Q2.a (although getting familiar with
how to typeset equations is useful).
You may consult with others in working on the problems, but you should not have the exact
same answers. For clarification or help understanding, ask your classmates, do not email me (office
hours are Wed.).
If you have questions about the problem set, you can email Peyman, your TA, at Do not email him just because you’re confused, only email him if
you think one of the problems cannot be solved (i.e. there is a mistake in the question).
Good luck.
Page 2
Mean and median earnings from employment by age
No HS HS degree Some college BA or higher
Age group Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median
19 3991 0 5742 2541 4137 2033 10213 3000
20 6303 1225 8819 5103 6261 3545 12225 5082
21 7651 2836 10766 7623 8191 5001 9174 5000
22 8539 3674 12696 10128 10917 7530 11921 6906
23 9414 4899 14083 12000 14131 11141 18873 13926
24 10033 5368 15304 13000 16494 14000 24199 20631
25 11603 6800 17857 15246 20172 18168 31136 29915
26 11961 6800 18786 16205 21804 20000 34356 31903
27 12411 7145 19182 16331 23301 20631 38053 35724
28 12970 8102 19847 16505 24229 22000 41114 38283
29 13202 8102 20549 18000 25159 22864 43903 40511
30 13689 9000 21036 18295 26144 24000 46579 41263
31 13782 8268 21453 18372 27094 24758 49133 43705
32 13910 8507 21917 18568 27904 25000 50948 45000
33 14434 9387 22621 19515 28711 25410 54107 46420
34 14563 9419 22899 19749 29521 26000 56072 47601
35 15794 10164 24124 20328 31257 27345 59681 50000
36 15583 10128 24434 20328 31759 27559 61240 50639
37 16259 10207 24779 20414 32386 28561 63031 50820
38 16272 10207 25382 21000 32853 28579 63670 51035
39 16316 10207 25488 20661 33190 29296 65581 51578
40 16572 10630 26105 21500 33622 29915 66537 51578
41 16565 10128 26032 21457 34032 29476 68068 52610
42 16656 10207 25954 21435 34452 30000 68171 52610
43 16600 10128 26560 22000 34611 30000 69896 53076
44 16498 10100 27109 22455 34926 30200 69905 53076
45 16695 10003 27340 22600 35506 30384 71297 53641
46 16600 9000 27587 22694 35964 30492 71968 55000
47 16592 9000 27432 22694 35862 30384 71714 54690
48 16744 9148 27703 22694 35771 30384 72192 54886
49 16483 8131 27783 22694 36047 30384 72374 55117
50 16515 7596 27426 22281 35836 30000 70936 53678
51 16204 6912 27324 22000 35693 30000 72136 53678
52 15967 5880 26724 21400 35508 30000 70764 53678
53 15528 4126 26537 20941 35355 29503 70646 53641
54 15212 3628 26210 20414 34714 28579 68465 52000
55 14749 2041 25224 19801 33525 26821 66319 50820
56 14271 587 24221 18230 32793 25517 64554 50639
57 13735 0 23341 16205 31735 24500 62541 48000
58 13495 0 22398 14545 30444 22585 60349 45000
59 13018 0 21011 12963 29112 20256 57146 40828
60 11944 0 19470 8166 27312 16262 52819 35574
61 11457 0 18159 5000 25446 12400 50355 30384
62 10178 0 15962 0 22731 6077 46443 20631
63 8688 0 13792 0 19778 0 41922 10309
64 7643 0 12462 0 17725 0 37944 3674
65 6418 0 9646 0 14925 0 32378 0
cis 273 Week 3 Lab Assignment 4 Submission
Project description
Week 3 Lab Assignment 4 Submission .
If you are using the Blackboard Mobile Learn iOS App, please click “View in Browser”
Click the link above to submit your assignment.
Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.
Lab Assignment 4: Nested Lists and Cascading Style Sheets
Due Week 3 and worth 40 points
Deliverable: Three (3) Web pages and two (2) Cascading Style Sheets (.css)
Complete the weekly lab based on the following:
Write the code for each lab assignment.
The code is to be submitted in a single compressed folder (zip file) to the online course shell. The file must contain all .htm files, along with any other files that may be necessary for your project to run (ex: text files, images, etc.).
When saving the file, it should be saved as Lab_#_Last name_First initial.htm. For example, if your name is Mary Smith the file for Lab 1 should be saved as Lab_1_Smith_M.htm
Any and all written answers must be entered into the online course shell with the submission of the attached lab assignment.
Follow the directions below to complete Lab Assignment 4:
1.Re-create the sample Web pages listed below with nested ordered lists and nested unordered lists. (This Web page will be reused for each part below). (As shown in Figure 1.)
2.Create the Web page from number 1 with silver background color set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). (As shown in Figure 2.)
3.Create the Web page from number 1 with silver background color and Comic Sans MS font set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). (As shown in Figure 3.)
4.Re-create the Web page set from number 1 with Silver background color and Comic Sans MS font set by a Cascading Style Sheet (.css). Then, using in-page tags to override the CSS, set only the font of the sentence Here is an Unordered list with several levels of sub-lists to red, Arial font (different than the rest of the page). (As shown in Figure 4.)