Order Description
Explain to the audience how you know you can do whatever the PLO says. You want to demonstrate that you have “mastered” your program and each of its learning outcomes. The artifact is simply one example, a single piece of evidence (like a cited source), or a visual representation of something you need to exhibit to show the readers that you have met the learning outcomes. The artifact might be a major assignment but it might also be a well-written discussion post. However, remember the focus is NOT on the artifact but on your mastery of the PLO.
Locate the PLO for your program at the top of this assignment = IM for Information Management, TCT for Terrorism/Counterterrorism, and SSPM for Strategic Security and Protection Management.
State the program learning outcome that the artifact demonstrates.
Explain the purpose of the program learning outcome and how your chosen artifact is evidence of that learning.
Explain how you grew throughout your master’s program in meeting the program learning outcome.
Explain how the artifact is a representation of that learning. Whom did you work with along the way to mastering your PLO? In what way were they helpful in your learning experience?
What resources if any were most helpful in your learning?
How did you ensure that you met the objectives of the assignment?
B. Reflective: how you interpreted your experience. Provide context for your interpretations by providing examples from your experience.
What challenges did you encounter in meeting the PLO? Be as specific as possible.
What steps did you take to overcome each of those challenges?
What did you do most successfully in completing the assignment?
C. Interpretive: what you learned from this experience.
What did you learn about yourself (your skills and abilities) in mastering this PLO?
What did you learn about the profession in mastering this PLO? Discuss.
What did you learn in accomplishing your learning goals and objectives (specifically the program learning outcome associated with the artifact)?
What about your experience completing the artifact was important to you? Why?
How did your experience completing this artifact assignment connect to other course work and your completion of the program? Explain.
D. Decisional: how you will incorporate this knowledge into your current state of mind and moving into the future.
Have any of your beliefs, opinions, or professional perspectives changed based on mastering this PLO? Discuss.
How do you think that you will be able to use (or how have you used) what you learned from this experience? Be specific.
How has the experience of mastering this PLO affected your career path or your use of new information, skills, or technology? Discuss.