Misrepresentation of Black women hasn’t been given full in-depth treatment you need to go deep in your analysis – do a comparison to Black women in Grime music to Black women in the British music scene in general and find a similar pattern – talk about how black women are not promoted but grime women artist you will hear about them nowadays – talk about how Black women are not valued and people think they only good at music and some specific industries Primary research: – Image analysis – Referencing – at least 8 academic sources in your references. – Alphabetical order when referencing materials : Halls work on identity; Questions of Cultural Identity by Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay or Chapter 7: Ragga Music: Dis/Respecting Black Women and Dis/Reputable Sexualities by Denise Noble in Un/settled Multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, “transruptions” by Barnor Hesse. femenisity theory Hall ” representation” Hoors ” rep pf black women” Entwistle ” the fashioned body”