Cache Performance Improvements
Cache represents a level of memory hierarchy that’s between the processor and the main memory. At a high level, cache focuses around the idea of prediction. It relies heavily on the principle of locality to find the desired data and provides mechanisms so that we can ensure that it is able to use the proper data. Two techniques that have been used to improve cache performance focuses around reducing miss rates while the second technique focuses on reducing miss penalty through multilevel caching. Research these two techniques and compare and contrast how they are currently being used in modern processors to improve cache performance.
Discussion 08.2: SEC/DEC
In any type of situation, we want to ensure that we have our memory hierarchy to be as dependable as possible. One idea for dependability is redundancy. Richard Hamming invented a very popular redundancy scheme for member in which he received the Turing Award in. Research the Hamming Single Error Correcting and Double Error Detecting code (SEC/DED) and explain how this code is used. How is the parity code used to help with error detection?