Walmart |
Description: As a group you will perform statistical analysis on performance of stocks of any four companies from the same industry for a period of one year (December 2017 to November 2018). For example, if you may choose four stocks (1) Walmart, (2) Target, (3) Kroger, and (4) Costco from the retail industry and analyze their performance. Likewise, you can choose any industry and pick four companies from the same industry and analyze their performance.[Don’t use Costco in your project as we used Costco in the sample data.]
Your analysis should contain the following parts:
- Daily profit/loss % for each stock for a period of one year.
Use four charts (one chart per stock)to plot the daily profit/loss % and write your observations below each chart based on the visible patterns.
- Monthly risk to returnratio for each stock for twelve months.
Write your comparative observations four stocks’ twelve-month risk to return ratios. You may use charts if needed.
- One-year risk to return ratio for each stock.
Rank the stocks according to one-year risk to return ratio.
Data Source: Go to yahoo finance and search the name of the company. Click on the historical data to get last one-year stock price. This data has many columns like opening price, closing price, volume etc. Copy this data to Excel file and perform necessary data cleaning like removing irrelevant columns and quarterly dividend rows.Open and closing priceare enough for this project. Open and closing priceare needed for (1) Daily profit/loss % analysis, closing price is enough for (2) Monthly and (3) One-year profit to risk ratio.
Reference:You may read slides 31 and 32 in Descriptive Statistical Measures (The slides are given in the Blackboard: Supplemental Materials section)
Example: RetailIndustry-G27.xlsx