The purpose of this paper is to develop a Health pilot program/study with the purpose to decrease health disparities related to a selected heath problem. Page limit maximum 10 double spaced pages, Time New Roman 12, excluding references, tables, pictures and graphics. References must include at least 15 journals. It should be posted on blackboard. For this assignment two students per manuscript is required.
A. Title ( max 80 words) 5 points______
B. Aims of the pilot program/study 10 points______
C. Background and Significance 20 points______
D. Innovation 10 points______
E. Design 30 points______
F.1. Timetable
F.2. Overview and Design of the pilot program/study
F.3 Site for the pilot program/study
F.4. Target Population
F.4.1. Participants
F.4.3. Recruitment of the participants
F.5. Procedures
F.5.1. Staff Selection and Training
F.6. Data Collection
G. Data Analysis 5 points______
H. Human subjects 10 points______ H.1 protection of human subjects I. References
I.1 APA 6 edition format references in the text and
In the references list 10 points______