Compare and contrast the terms “disability” and “chronic illness”. What are the similarities and/or differences? Can they coexist? Give reasoning behind your evaluation. Discuss two (2) legal and/or ethical challenges or implications for patients and families with disabilities or with chronic illnesses, trying to achieve comprehensive self-management. Identify and state two (2) actions the RN can implement to help the patient and family achieve comprehensive self-management with a disability or with a chronic illness. Post is relevant and thoroughly responds to all aspects of discussion topic, reflecting a deep understanding of key ideas and concepts. Post further extends the discussion in a rich, relevant manner. Critical thought and substantial evidence, using references to course materials (readings, videos, etc.) and additional related literature, are provided by including in text citations and a reference list to justify claims made within the post. References are from current (five [5] years old or less) professional nursing sources published in the United States.