The essay will be formatted according to MLA and will be evaluated on the depth of
engagement with the text, the coherence of the argument, the quality of the writing
and the structue of the essay- Find at least 3-5 souces related to either/both the play
and the field of Law and society- You souces must come from a credible souce, be
peer-reviewed articles, and be recent (within the last 30-40 years max)-
The focus is more on the field of study (Law and society), than it is on the
Shakespeare play you will discuss, but I want to see you interact with both you area
of study (Law and society) and Shakespeare- You goal is to identify key terms from
the field of study (Law and society) that you will need to define, describe and analyze
in you paper and connect these to the plays-
In The Winter’s Tale and King Lear, both Leontes and King Lear pass strong
sentences on those around them (Hermione and Kent, for example) without a solid
basis to make those judgments- How does ou curent justice system hold
wrongdoers accountable for their actions? What is that process like? How does the
curent justice system compare to ONE of these two examples from Shakespeare