SCIE: 202: Jane Slemon
Shape, Function and Metaphor: the organs of the human body
Assignment #2: Charlie’s Statement: worth 25%
Due: Nov 17th, 4pm in Moodle
You will be writing about a person, Charlie, who is coping with a physical
condition or illness and who must contribute a piece of art/design or media
work to exhibit at Emily Carr University this November.
–decide what Charlie is dealing with: an acute or chronic physical condition
or illness
–decide whether Charlie is beginning to learn about it or has been coping a
long time with it
–decide whether Charlie’s creative works offer a window into the science of
the condition or whether the condition is influencing his or her art, design or
media work
–research the condition, build your analogy between the work Charlie does
and the condition, and shape an essay that tells this story and that functions
as an art or design statement about what is behind Charlie’s work.
–include two graphics–one of these must be your own original work,
(although this is Charlie’s creative work in your narrative); the other
can be from a secondary source. The illustrations might be from the
fields of science or art/design/media—together they will clarify
something about the connections Charlie makes between science and art
and the condition s/he has. Employ the conventions used in Assignment #1
for the inclusion of graphics. These are also listed below.
This is a fictional paper; it requires you to weave narrative into this science
paper. Some students begin by looking at the work they already do and then
choosing a condition or illness that fits it well; others begin with an interest
in or a knowledge of a condition (the science), then find the work that best
draws attention toward it. Sometimes students write about a person they
know. That’s fine with their permission; you may want to offer them a new
name. The paper you submit describes the art or design work, describes the
condition and/or Charlie’s management of it, and connects these two in ways
that intrigue and teach. Ask, what matters most to Charlie: is it onset,
diagnosis, chemistry, cells, organs, processes in the body, treatment or
coping measures? What does Charlie want his or her classmates to learn?
1. Use 12 point font size. Double space.
2. Write 1200 words (or thereabouts)—4-5 pages. Upload in Word if possible.
3. Graphics are governed by MLA guidelines: Place your two graphics within the paper;
these should not be Title Pages or Appendices. Introduce your figures (see Figure 1)
before they appear in the text. Offer labels to show your connections and revealing
your intended focus for the reader (i.e., “Figure 1. Camera angles as design process.
Source: Eva Hild. American Ceramics. 14/3. 2005.) The source is not repeated in
your Works Cited. Space the graphic on the page so that it takes up at least 1/3rd of
the page. Talk about your illustration; do not end with it or end a paragraph with it.
Consider the best design for the focus you want.
You may include your own art or design work (even well chosen older works may be fine
if they are just the right fit for your paper) or works of another person (offer your caption
and a proper source if you do) or you may want to choose a technology from your
practice that mimics a human system or organ.
4. Research component:
Include three (or more) research sources (not just internet sources)—books, films,
articles, etc. Plagiarised writing always results in a zero on the paper or the course, so
quote phrases taken within your sentences and cite ideas used. All items listed in the
works cited list should appear in the textual citations. Documentation means this:
Select Integrate Document Evaluate:
Select in a way that enhances your own ideas. Integrate the quoted passage into your
own text, framing all quoted material with your own writing. Document sources
properly (using MLA guidelines) such that all works in the Works Cited section are
actually cited in the text. Obtain a copy of Documenting Sources from the Handouts
section of the Writing Centre. Evaluate the flow of your text to see if you have
explained the use of the quote well.
5. Offer a way groovy original title.
PS: Studying an artist or designer who has an illness or condition isn’t the best
approach to this paper as it can lead to too much dependence on research material and
less than original work. Better, if you know someone with the same condition, use the
assignment to learn more about what they know, cope with, and have to manage.