Analyze a particular person’s work or a theory or an area of Psychology.
I would like the paper to focus on Sigmund Freud who may be one of the best known figures in history, but he is also one of the most controversial. He was the founder of the school of thought known as psychoanalysis. The legacy of his life and work provokes both impassioned acclaim from his supporters and disdain from his detractors. While some view him as a cultural icon and others see him as a pseudo-scientific charlatan, there is no question that Freud left an indelible mark on psychology as well as other disciplines.
The primary task is to trace the significance of the topic throughout the history of psychology, connecting the topic to past, current, and future theories and individuals prominent in Psychology. The paper should be a historical analysis.
Make sure you begin by noting the importance of the topic person/area within the field of psychology. Also make sure to note and explain the context in which the individual did his or her work or the context in which the area was born and developed. You should also comment on how changing times may have influenced your person or area, or your topic’s role in contemporary psychology. Make sure you address the impact this person or area has had on psychology, the impact of the topic today, and prospects for future impact. You must make connections throughout history!! Please also critically analyze shortcomings in the person’s work. You might also be able to note how changing times have led to this person’s work (or area) rising or falling in prominence. Finally, examine the topic within the framework of diversity – does the work extend well to cultures beyond the U.S. and Western Europe? Does the work extend across sexes, age groups, social-economic groups, and so on? If the work is limited in scope, state limitations and speculate about the potential generalizations of the work. Make sure you address all issues/questions in this paragraph.