Post is of two assignments
1: Medical Insurance
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Relevant pictures and diagrams (providing they are referenced) are welcomed and encouraged
questions to answer (course material to be uploaded).
1/. What is the difference between Blue Cross and US Medicare? What are the similarities? approx 1 page
2/. In the Khan Academy video, “Paying doctors”, what did you learn?approx 1-2 pages
3/. Define and describe these terms in enough detail to show some knowledge (US Medical billing software for Insurers):
approx 1 page
4/. Explain in detail the interplay between CPT and ICD-10, including in your answer what each term stands for, who created and keeps current the CPT, and whether or not knowledge of both codes would be required in creating a billing package for a patient.
approx 1-2 pages
5/. What is “medical necessity” and how does it figure in to the use of codes and billing and payment practices.
approx 1 page
6/. Summarize, in no more than 1 page, what you learned from Chapter 6 of the Dummies text.
7/. For each of the following, please prepare a thorough review IN YOUR OWN WORDS about what you learned from the following Chapters of the Dummies text:
Chapter 11 Processing a claim
Chapter 12 How to be error-free (in other words, problem areas to watch out for)
Chapter 14 How appeal procedure differ between contract payers and non-contract payers
Chapter 21 Special things to concentrate on
approx 1 page on each
8/. Please go to the internet and find a medical billing software that particularly impressed you as being able to help you in your private clinical practice. Don’t forget to give the link to the software website, and clearly state what aspects of the software would seem to be helpful to you. (You may include a general practice management software, because many times, billing and coding software is included in an overall software package). This question is weighted 20 % for this exam.
approx 3-4 pages
9/. Non-US Residents: Please prepare a lengthy essay of at least 3-5 pages in which you discuss in your own words how physician billing and coding works in your country (AUSTRALIA) for a hospital and also for a private physician practice. Your answer must include:
—reference to the law and regulatory matters
—any standard forms or procedures that may be applicable
—how “coding” is handled, and what are the “coding” sources and resources
—what software may be available in your country that would be applicable to billing and/or coding and provide internet links to same
—What major differences you can see between your country’s practices and those that we covered in this course.
2:Discuss the functionalist view of education. Discuss the manifest and latent functions of education. Discuss the conflict view of education. Discuss the concepts of an organization child, cultural capital, and social capital. Discuss social class and education.