Sociology; Family structure & problems
The post has two asignments
1:Sociology; Family structure & problems
Order Description
Answer the question:
How do capitalism, social class and power conflict explain family structure and problems?
Answer the question is complete essay format.
2:Identify between 3 different artfacts relating to Sustainability and / or CSR in Engineering / Engineering Management
use from these for References :
(most ref should be from books and journals use minimal amount of websites)
• Crane, A., Matten, D., & Spence, L. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility. London. Routledge. 2nd Edition
• Blowfield, M. & Murray A. (2008). Corporate Responsibility. Oxford. University Press
• Read the article: Lucena J. (2006) Globalization & Organisational Change: Engineers’ Experiences.. (EJEE)
• (Corporate Responsibility Coalition, UK, 2011)
• (International Labour Organisation, 2011)
• IEMA (2007), Corporate Social Responsibility: a guide to good practice, Best Practice Series, Vol 9, The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, Lincoln, UK
• Roberts, H. and Robinson, G. (1998), ISO14001 EMS Implementation Handbook, Butterworth Heinemann.
• Adams, W.M. (2006). The Future of Sustainability. The World Conservation Union. Available from: Downloaded 26th October 2011.
• Hotelling, H. (1931) “The Economics of Exhaustible Resources”, 1931, New York. JPE.
• Malthus T.R. (1798). An essay on the principle of population. Chapter 1, p13 . Oxford. Oxford World’s Classics reprint.
• Shrivastava, P, 1995, Environmental Technologies and Competitive Advantage, Strategic Management Journal, Vol 16 183-200)