Some say the Government knew about the Covid-19 virus before they shared the information with the public. Is this true or false? How could they have handled the situation better?
Choose from one of the topics below.
Make sure you are clear when you’re quoting someone else’s words. Put quotes around anything taken. For example: According to John Gatto’s article, Against School, “Boredom is the common condition of schoolteachers.”
1) Some say the Government knew about the Covid-19 virus before they shared the information with the public. Is this true or false? How could they have handled the situation better?
2) Is our education system flawed? What are the problems with it, and how can new ways of teaching and learning help fix the problem?
3) Compare and contrast the American Education system with Finland’s Education system. Which is better and why? How can we improve our system? You can also talk about Dorian Paskowitz’s methods here if you want to.
4) Look at the way Dorian Paskowitz decided to educate his children in Surfwise. Do you think he was right or wrong to do what he did? How could he have improved his methods to better benefit his kids?
5) Look at one of the incidents of a police officer responding inappropriately in an encounter with a citizen. Is improper training and screening of officers to blame? Is racism? ( example: Sandra Bland or any of the other recent situations ).
6) should police officers be required to wear body cams on duty to protect citizens? look at some of the incidents of officers shooting unarmed citizens. Would this have been prevented if there was proof of exactly what happened?
Choose one of the following and write a persuasive essay proving your side of this issue.
- 3 page minimum.
- Your introductory paragraph must include a thesis statement that indicates the position you are taking on the issue.
- Double Space your essay.
- Use MLA Formatting for name, course number, date, etc.