Leadership Philosophy Paper: Students will write a personal leadership philosophy paper that incorporates principles learned in this course. The paper will be a synthesis paper that incorporates principles learned in this course. The paper will be a synthesis of material from within the course and will demonstrate a mastery of the depth and breadth of material presented in the course. Because this is a personal document, students may write in first person as desired. However, the paper must contain appropriate levels of referencing and appropriate citation of all source material. The paper will be written in APA format and demonstrate interaction with no less than 15 bibliographic sources. The paper and synopsis needs to include the following with subheadings:
• Introduction to paper with Thesis statement
• Definitions of leadership and management and discussion on why or why not they are the same
• Possible sources of power, and the sources you plan to develop
• The primary tasks, skills, and predispositions of leaders with respective justifications
• Elements of various leadership theories and styles by which you will lead and why (Please use these 3 = Transformational leadership, Servant Leadership, and Team Leadership)
• Identification with code of ethics (what is your code of ethics?)
• A plan for ongoing leadership growth. (Use the LPI to identify areas of potential growth – this is attached)
• Conclusion to the paper