Paper will consist of two parts. In the first part of the essay, students will write 1 to 2 pages on the transnational aspects of the production (director, actors, funding, marketing, etc.), exhibition (was the film shown at a film festival, or various film festivals, before being released theatrically? Which ones? Why?; When and in which countries was the film released theatrically?), and/or distribution of Pan’s Labyrinth. To be clear, students should not write about the film’s content. Students are expected to cite their sources using MLA format and should have at least two resources.
In the first part of the paper, student should construct an argument about the film’s transnationalism based on the information s/he gathers and decides to use. More specifically, does some aspect, or aspects, of the film’s transnationalism favor a particular country or group of countries? How and why?
In the second part of the paper, students will create a second bibliography of academic sources (journal articles, books, chapters in books, etc.) about the transnational aspects in Pan’s Labyrinth. Students should list at least three sources and at least one should be an academic journal article. Students do not need to read the material. However, s/he should at least glance at the resource to ascertain if it is rigorous or not and to see if the source is relevant to some transnational component of Pan’s Labyrinth. Materials should be cited in MLA format. The bibliography should appear on its own sheet of paper separate from the first part of the paper.
Students should print off their papers and bring them to class on the due date specified above.
Your paper should have the following:
the pagination specified above;
size 12 and Times New Roman font with normal margins;
correct grammar and spelling;
a title;
a thesis statement that presents an argument. “Pan’s Labyrinth is a very transnational film” or “Pan’s Labyrinth is very interesting” are not compelling arguments;
do not write a concluding paragraph. A concluding sentence, or two, is more appropriate for a paper this length;