Write a Response Essay about this article on censorship by Twitter. This means you must comprehend what the author, Kalev Leetaru is suggesting; you must identify his main idea and infer what his conclusions are in your analysis. Finally, you must state what you think about the article. “Your reader (your instructor) is familiar with the article, and is interested in discerning how deeply you have thought about the concepts, values, belief systems and attitudes that exist at the heart of the work. A response paper is a heartfelt letter to the author, a conversation, a dialogue with the work, a great idea, the man, the woman behind the artifact. It is a personal statement of one’s epistemology, even of one’s own spiritual experience. It is relaxed, clear, uncensored.” From: What A Response Paper Is and Is Not.
- What (meanings, values, etc.) was the author trying to promote?
- Who is Kalev Leetaru? * Is he a stakeholder in this issue? Why? Why not? Look up any items in boldface to learn context (the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed).
- What is my personal position relative to the author’s? Did you learn about this issue of “shadowbanning” for the first time reading this article? Had you heard of Project Veritas?
- How has reading and reflecting on this affected my lived world experience?
- Do you agree that censorship from Social Media platforms like Twitter have gone too far? Have we lost Freedom of Speech?
- Your work must be in MLA format meaning it must be double-spaced, and a 12 pts Times Roman font. There is no set page length for this exercise. You must include your name, instructor name, and the date spelled out: Ex. June 7, 2015.