Question 1.
Use Tyack’s “Monuments Between the Covers” to make a case as to why social discourse on history textbooks has become especially heated in the last 60 years. (Use the case study on history textbooks in lecture 8 in your discussion.)
Question 2.
What do you think about Wenglinsky’s findings on facts and critical thing skills and the NAEP? Do you agree with Wenglinsky’s conclusion that critical thinking skills are more effective for increasing students’ academic achievement? What about your own experiences? Did you learn critical thinking skills during your formative schooling (K-12)? (Base your response on what you’ve read in B&S Reading 27.)
For Forum Phase Two, respond to ONE (1) Phase One post by students by Saturday. You should strive to use citation of the assigned readings to support any arguments or expansions to the original poster’s analysis. Each answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length and be scholarly in content. Note that this is part of your participation grade, so spelling, grammar, and structure are important.