The syllabus said that this class planned to achieve the following:
1. To challenge students to re-think their own relationship to the arts.
2. To discuss the place of the artist in society.
3. To examine the place of the artist in society and as a member of our society.
4. To understand that the performing arts, which use living, human beings,
speaks to us on a human-scale.
5. To understand how a performance is created from conception to presentation before an audience.
6. To understand the role of the audience during a live performance.
7. To develop the ability to understand what we like about performances and why.
8. To understand how the performing arts are immediate and reflect the events, moods,
and human condition occurring currently in society.
9. To explore our own performing natures.
10. To explore how performance helps us define who we are.
Pick FIVE of the ten statements and write about them as it pertains and relates to your
experiences watching the productions. From what you have witnessed being an audience
member, what is your opinion on these statements. Answer each of the statements of your
choice with examples from this semester and whatever research you can find.
Please cite any online sources you use on the last page.
Please number each statement so I can more easily follow what you are commenting upon.