Understanding Process Measurement Variation
Method 1
You will test Method 1 in this way:
Ask each participant to measure the height of the entrance door using the yardstick or the meterstick.
The participant will report the measurement to you or someone you have designated as the data collector. If the participants are together, make sure that they don’t reveal their answers to anyone but the data collector.
Tabulate the data and plot each measurement on a run or sequence chart. No deviation from the prescribed method is allowed.
Method 2
For Method 2, you may use the same or a different set of participants and the same entrance door or another door.
This time, the participants will use the tape measure in any way they desire.
Again, each person silently reports the measurement of the door to you or a designated data collector.
Tabulate and plot each data point as in Method 1.
ompare the accuracy and precision of the two methods using graphical and analytical methods.
Develop a flow chart for each method in which you specify the key problems that might be present.
Develop the supplier, input, process steps, output, and customer (SIPOC) model to analyze the process of both methods.
This may also be done in the flow chart. (Please reference these instructions on how to create a flow chart in Microsoft Word.)
Identify the method that was most accurate. Provide a rationale for your response.
Analyze the flow chart and SIPOC model to identify opportunity for improvement (OFI).
Next, categorize whether the OFIs are caused by special causes or common causes variations. Provide a rationale for your response.
Identify which method of measurement you would recommend. Explain why.
Discuss whether different methods should be used under different circumstances. Consider the role of different customer segments.
Discuss the feelings the participants experienced when using the two methods.
Describe the differences between the two sets of feelings.
Assess whether these differences are important. Provide a rationale.