NGR 7827
Module 12: Using Excel for Data Management and Analysis 1
Module Activities
NOTE: Work for all activities should be on the same Excel file. Post your Excel file addressing activities 1-3 to the module discussion board by midnight on Friday.
Activity 1: Develop an Excel worksheet for data collection and management for your DNP project.
- Clearly state your research question(s) at the top of the
- For each research question, clearly identify the variables needed to answer the question. If there is are Independent and Dependent variables, clearly indicate this next to the variable.
- Clearly identify the source for your
Data Set 1 Headings
Data Set 2 Headings
The nature of the example project requires 2 different working data sets. Data set 1 records HEMS (helicopter EMS units) count by year. Data set 2 records patient level data. In order to keep everything in one place, 3 worksheets are created – Plan, HEMS Count, and Patient Data.
- Create the necessary worksheets for your DNP You will at least need a sheet for your Plan and another for your DNP Data. If other worksheets are needed, create them in your Excel file.
- Your project may not require multiple data sets. If one data set will work, stick with
Activity 2: Fabricate appropriate data to mimic what you expect things to look like for your DNP project.
- Use the sheets in the Excel file to fabricate data that approximates what you anticipate using for your project.
- Create enough entries to complete your
- If you are using longitudinal data (e.g., weeks, months, or quarters), create at least 12 entries.
- If you are using individual patient data, create at least 25
- You can be creative but make the data
Here are what the HEMS example data look like:
Activity 3: Determine your analysis plan to answer your research question.
- What data cleaning or recoding need to be completed?
- What calculations need to be completed?
- What comparisons need to be completed?
- How will you display your data?
NOTE: The purpose of Activity 3 is to get you thinking about the analysis plan. Articulate what you want the data to tell you even if you don’t know the specific statistical test. During the planning phase of your DNP project, you will meet with a data analysist or statistician to determine a detailed data plan (including the analysis).
Here is the HEMS example analysis plan: