Islam, women and film questions
1. What are the themes of tradition and modernity, religion vs. secularity, and male domination and female empowerment that resonate throughout the movies we watched?
2. How does religion and culture become enmeshed?
3. What is the best way for people to know their religious and cultural rights?
4. What are some of the contrasts women experience between city and rural environments?
5. What role does family honor play and why are women the keepers of honor?
6. How do relationships and environments change women’s situations?
7. Give examples in the movies watched where women had agency and authority.
8. How is story used in the films?
9. How are women portrayed in the films (grandmothers, little girls, stepmothers, married women, single women, religious women?)
10. Use the Qur’an or hadiths to argue for women’s rights in Islam compared to cultural oppressions.
Movies and their link:
1. Kandahar: